Monday, February 9, 2009

A few (or more) tips

Have you made a plan and started to work towards losing weight? Have you really genuinely worked on it but gotten lost and not know where to move to? Have you been so confused that you don't even know where to get started?

Here are a few tips to help you out:
Get rid of the junk in your place. Don't even try to test your willpower. Just don't. You'll be disappointed in yourself. (Don't worry, everyone would be). Just clean it out. Keep healthy snacks that you enjoy around you instead of the junk. Find great substitutes for some of the junk snacks that you used to eat (popcorn from Blockbuster? Try air popped popcorn with no added butter)

Drink more. I'm sure you've heard this, but if you put it into practice, I'm sure you'll be a believer, too. If you drink more water, your body won't be confused as to if it's hungry or thirsty. If you are a little low on your drinking for the day and think you're hungry, try drinking 8 oz of water before you eat. It could be your body confusing thirst for hunger.

Write up a list of reasons you wanted to start working at losing weight and cleaning up your diet. Whatever it is: to come off of anti-hypertensives, to decrease your risk of heart disease, to prevent cancer or Alzheimer's, to look amazing on the beach this summer, whatever your reason. Write it down and post it on your refrigerator, on your bathroom mirror, in your bedroom, wherever you will see it often.

Write up positive response cards (or a notebook) that states reminders "I feel good when I eat clean because..." "I feel good when I workout because..." "I feel good when I resist junk food because..." etc etc etc. This way you will have it in your own handwriting for your own motivation.

Eat more often. More and more research (and personal experience) is supporting eating small meals every 2 to 3 to 4 hours. There is a catch to this, of course. You have to eat healthy calories every 2 to 3 to 4 hours. Keeping it about 200 calories (start reading labels folks :)). Eat about 500 calorie meals. Because you're eating every 2 to 3 to 4 hours, you don't need your meals to be as large as they are when you're eating 2 or 3 meals a day. I promise you though, eating one meal a day, or two meals....yea that's just not cutting it.

Hang pictures. Hang pictures of your motivation--who you want to look like, your steps and also your own progress pictures are important too. I have hung up my 'fat picture' to remind myself of where I didn't want to back to.

Another tip is to know what it is you need. Food has become an insanely confusing science. I'm going to post a calculation that you will need to do to know what it is you need to consume each day.
Calculate your Rest Metabollic Rate (RMR) by multiplying your body weight (lbs) by 10. This determines what you need to breathe and live.
If you multiple your RMR by 20%, you get your Daily Burn. This is the number of calories you need for daily movement. (This is a generalization because if you are sitting at a desk all day, you need less calories than a laborer in a construction field.)
Add the calories you need for your Exercise Burn (depends on the level of exercise--if you are doing an intense x schedule, guestimate about 600 calories.)
Add your RMR to your Daily Burn to your Exercise Burn and this is your total caloric intake goal.
You need to keep in mind that you don't want to eat too much OR TOO LITTLE calories or you won't lose weight. If you are looking to lose, though, and not just maintain, you can take your Exercise Burn and cut this back A BIT...not too far though!!!
[If you consume too few calories, you're not feeding your body what it needs to sustain working out and it'll go into starvation mode and store everything you eat]

I hope these help you :)

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