So after finishing 8 weeks of the x+, I've decided that I need some variety and something different. I'm posting it to hold myself accountable to my workout schedule, just like I want to hold you accountable to yours.
I am adding some of my other workouts that aren't the x/1on1/x+. I'm doing this because I like working my total body with weights heavy and often (but not too often that I don't get recovery) and I like hard hard hard cardio. I like working hard for great results.
I created this workout schedule under the same kind of approach that Tony took with the X. I did 3 phases. Phase 1 and 2 are three weeks of work with one recovery week and phase 3 is a combination of the two (two weeks of each previous phase, alternating) with a recovery week to close out the 90 days.
Let me just explain a few things:
Jari Love (yes it does sound like a porn star's name I know--I didn't name here sorry) does great total body weight workouts that are an incredible challenge
Road Warrior is something that Tony does as a resistance band workout and it's a good one, but I prefer to do it as a weight workout, keeping it in my desired 8-10 reps (though with the encouragement of MJ, I will be playing with these numbers for this 90 days)
Tae Bo (yes Billy Blanks--get over it) is a great cardio workout that I do with weights on my wrists and often on my ankles as well (depends on the workout for that one)
In my opinion, Super Cardio isn't all that super (no offense whatsoever Tony!!!) unless you do the first time through the cardio, and before you cool down, repeat back to do the cardio part (no warmup/yoga again) a second time, then cool down afterwards. This was an idea of the hubby's and a great one at that. I left it all behind after I did that one. It was good :)
The other thing that I will do sporadically is add interval runs as I have time throughout this schedule--hopefully twice a week. I do not want to add them to the schedule because I'm too hard on myself, even if it's not realistic, if I don't do it. This will remain flexible. I may decide halfway through the first phase to add them in writing to the schedule, because I lose track of when I ought to do them without.
So tomorrow I do Road Warrior--this is quickly becoming a favorite of mine....I love love love total body, non-synergystic workouts. And I'm looking forward to my protein shake at the end of the day.
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