So tonight, I decided to toss in my 15 minute interval run that I posted above. I was feeling good and up for the challenge, so I decided to go for it. If it was too much, I was content with hitting stop and going straight to yoga (ok that's only partially true....I would have been extremely reluctant to stop......)
I put on my "I'm ready to GO pants" (because there are many different types of workout pants....I'm working on getting the hubby to understand this

), put on my running sneakers (same thing as the pants), enjoyed the feel of my SUPERFEET (man those things are AWESOME!!!!!

) ran in place for a minute, put the treadmill deck down, stepped on and looked down.
I saw the chip. The chip that could make me slump my shoulders and heave a sigh and give up or I could give another go at that hurdle. The chip was from what was supposed to be the full marathon in November. 7878 (husband's birth year twice....was hoping that would make it a lucky number or something

) I looked at it and smiled. I learned something that day. I learned (after quite a few days...a week or two...of disappointing storytelling, explaining that I stopped at half and why that was the decision I made) that I absolutely can conquer any challenge I place willingly in my place. I can tackle any one of them. And prove how stupid stubborn I can be. Or I can be smart about the battles I choose with those challenges, knowing when to back down and attack later. I chose my battle wisely that day and I think that we all need to keep that in mind.
We aren't here to be superheroes. We aren't here to kill ourselves to push out 13.1 more miles, or lift so much heavier weights that we'll be sidelined for days. We're here to be good to the one temple that God gives us. We're here to be an example to those around us who see us and wonder what we do to feel so goshdarn good.
Tonight--tonight was a smart battle. It wasn't a stupid stubborn move....and let me tell you--the treadmill and the run knows that it was conquered twice tonight. It sits, poised, ready to take on the challenge again. Who knows, when it happens, who will come out on top, but I know that I'll be doing my best to avoid that stupid stubborn ego trip

Have a wonderful night of bringing it just far and just hard enough

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