Sunday, January 25, 2009

You are what you eat: The Great Number Three

This video, from Susan Allport and all her glorious research, shows you just how important these healthy fats are. There are great differences between all the different kinds of fat (monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated, omega 3s, omega 6s, and the now popular trans....). It is very important to consume a diet that includes the HEALTHY fats. This video spells out the importance of the omega 3s (which, she has learned, is important for both photosynthesis and thinking) and her book, The Queen of Fats, teaches the public a bit about what scientists know about this wonderful fat and other places than just fish to get this fabulous fat.

Just A Bit about Susan Allport:
Susan is a writer, now residing in New York with her family. Her works also include The Primal Feast, The Natural History of Parenting, Sermons in Stone, and Explorers of the Black Box among contributions to New York Times, American Scholar, and others. Susan's background is in writing and studying in human genetics, with interests in studying food and the search affecting human behavior, the study of dirt eating.

Susan's 11 Tips:
1) Eat lots (and lots) of fruits and vegetables (gee where have you heard this before....are you surprised you're seeing it again?!)
2) Consume oils (like flaxseed, conola, and walnut) that have a healthy balance between omega 3s and 6s. (Oils like safflower, sunflower, and peanut are not of the good examples...they have high 6s and low 3s)
3) Eat a WIDE variety of fishes (not just one....this prevents us from over-consuming some toxins that certain kinds of fish can contain much of)
4) Eat Omega 3-enriched eggs (or DHA eggs)
5) Eat a good source of omega 3 at every meal (fruits, vegetables, fish, oils, eggs, nuts--walnuts--and soybeans are some things to add to your grocery list)
6) Avoid hydrogenated and partially-hydrogenated oils (note: think TRANS FAT) because they are much lower in omega 3s
7) Consume more free-range chicken, beef, pork, and bison (REALLY truly free range) because they consume a various diet that allows their flesh to be higher in omega 3s
8) Cut down on saturated fats (but don't substitute them for omega 6s)
9) Take extra precautions if you are pregnant or nursing and avoid consuming mercury-rich fish.
10) Use supplements carefully because you probably consume enough omega 6s and do not need a supplement that includes 6s with the less often consumed 3s.
11) Be sure to maintain a healthy weight by exercising and consuming the [healthy, balanced] calories you need.

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