Saturday, March 7, 2009

"The fortune you seek...."

Is in another cookie
No, I'm not telling you to eat a case of fortune cookies that you would get from your local chinese restaurant.
Yes....this was a fortune that I got in a fortune cookie one time a couple years ago. I think it's the best, most humorous fortune I've ever received. I scanned it. I probably have it somewhere because I think it's so entertaining.
But I'm going to apply it today to health and fitness :)

The goal you yearn for, the blood pressure you (and your doctor) would love to see, the medications you'd like to stop paying for, the waist size you dream of....that's all down another pathway. It's not down the same pathway of eating whatever you want, coming home from work, sitting down on the couch and not moving until you get up to go to bed. It's not down that way. "The fortune you seek is in another cookie" (no, don't eat more cookies).

If you want something different, you've got to DO something different. But the reality remains this: You CAN HAVE different. You aren't stuck where you're at. You can reach your [realistic] goals. Do what you've always done, get what you always got. DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Go down a different pathway. Seek out another fortune, another waistline, "diet controlled" diagnoses.

It's not just special people who get that fortune and 'luck'. It's the people who do something different. Write your script, seek another fortune, get moving, and get demanding something different.

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