Monday, March 9, 2009

Right and Wrong--it really does matter

I'm sure you've heard that recent research is supporting the need to eat every couple (2-3) hours.

First of all this isn't:
A bowl of ice cream at noon
A few oreos at 2:30
A snickers bar on the way home from work at 5.

No no no no no no....sorry.

Try this:
Turkey on a 100% whole wheat wrap with lettuce, tomato, and cucumbers; yogurt with slivered almonds at noon
carrots at 2:30
fat free cottage cheese with peaches at 5pm

It's not this either:
Eggs, turkey sausage, whole wheat toast, oj, and coffee at 6am
Turkey on wheat with lettuce tomato cucumbers; yogurt with slivered almonds; a protein bar and water at 2pm
grilled chicken breast; mixed frozen veggies; baked potato at 9pm.

The reason it's not the latter is because it keeps a few things from happening. It keeps the insulin in the blood from spiking. What does this mean? If the insulin in your blood spikes, that means the amount of food floating through your system that gets pumped into fat cells, storing it for later (read: fat cells get bigger=no good) spikes, too.

There's another good reason for this:
If you go from 8am-2pm without food, come 2 pm you are going to be ravenous. You are going to have a case where your eyes are much bigger than your stomach. The problem with this is that there is a delay between when you're genuinely full and when your brain says "Ok hands, stop putting food in the mouth. We don't need anymore." This means calories that you're putting in your mouth that your body doesn't actually need. This means storing more fat for future use, giving you more pounds you need to work off when you get off the couch and get moving.

So....if you aren't going to get moving, see if you can adjust your diet a bit. I'm no nutritionist, but if you do have questions, I'm absolutely more than willing to share ideas. Don't hesitate to drop me an email :)

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