Monday, March 9, 2009

Stages of Change

There are 5 stages of change:

Precontemplation is the stage in which folks see nothing to change, or rather, see no need to change what it is that arguably could use some tweaking. At this point, there is no 'starting to plan' or 'planning to plan' or anything of that source, at least in the near future. People in this stage probably aren't reading this blog.
In the stage of contemplation, the problem is known and there is thought about overcoming the problem, but there is no commitment to action to make the change.
Preparation is a place that people recognize. Its where people sit, making plans, thinking forward, intending on acting in the next month, familiar with this because they have not been successful at completing this in the past year. We come back here often.
The stage of action is the stage in which people adjust behavior, environment, and experiences to start to overcome the problem. This stage requires much energy, commitment, effort, and time. This is where the change actually happens.
The stage of maintenance is where people prevent 'relapse' and losing all that was attained in the 'action' stage. To prevent starting back over, this stage is as important as the 'preparation' and 'action' stages.

Where do you fall? What can I do to help you work through and get to (and stay at) the maintenance phase? Are you in the maintenance phase now, but there's a tweaking you need to do that brings you to the preparation stage? Anything I can do to help???

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